“Woo Woo”

7/24 Crossley St, Melbourne VIC 3000

“Woo Woo” – A derogatory term used in relation to those with unconventional beliefs that are outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific.

In July 2023 David Grush testified in US Congress confirming Aliens are real… and no one is talking about it! No one except Damien Vosk through sketch comedy.

Come on a comedic character ride where Damien explores some of the weirder and more wonderful ideas associated with “Woo Woo,” show to no doubt include sketches about Aliens, consciousness and our place in the universe but in a fun way.


7/24 Crossley St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Purchase Tickets

“Woo Woo”

7/24 Crossley St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Suitable for concession card holders and full-time students