Show & Artist Details

To help the process we need you to fill in this form to provide details about Artist/show/Ticket Pricing and any discount/ early bird offers you want to run.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out! 

Add your description and feel free to embed Youtube videos, links to social media etc

1GB Image maximum upload


Add your description and feel free to embed Youtube videos, links to social media etc

    Please enter all show dates and time, add a new line by pressing the “Add Show”button below


    If you would like to add a discount code to your show please state the date of the show and the percentage of discount you would like to give. Please also include a discount code, this can be anything you like, e.g. GRACECOM25

    You can write each individually or just write “All Shows apart from *date*, or simply all shows


    Looking to add an early bird price for any of your shows? Add the name of the show you want to provide a discounted price for and the date that you want this on sale

    You can write each individually or just write “All Shows apart from *date*, or simply all shows
